Avada Email Pop‑ups, Banners Shopify App
Create customizable popups for discounts, promotions and more to promote sale, easily edit and track
Avada Email Pop‑ups, Banners is an app in the Pop-Ups category of the Shopify App Store.
The app was created by Avada.
In this report, we'll cover the following statistics on usage of the Avada Email Pop‑ups, Banners Shopify app.
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Ratings and Reviews for the Avada Email Pop‑ups, Banners Shopify App
Avada Email Pop‑ups, Banners has 2 reviews with an average rating of 4.5.
Installs for Avada Email Pop‑ups, Banners
Avada Email Pop‑ups, Banners is currently installed on 844 Shopify stores.
- Installs for Avada Email Pop‑ups, Banners increased 561.3% quarter-over-quarter.
Installs of Avada Email Pop‑ups, Banners over Time
Top Shopify Stores using Avada Email Pop‑ups, Banners
Here are the top 5 stores running Avada Email Pop‑ups, Banners ordered by worldwide store rank.
For more insights on Shopify stores, create a free account and explore our data.
A paid subscription is required to see installed app data.
Shopify Stores that have recently installed Avada Email Pop‑ups, Banners
Here are the top stores that have installed Avada Email Pop‑ups, Banners most recently.
Top Categories for Shopify stores with Avada Email Pop‑ups, Banners installed
Here are the top 10 industry verticals for Shopify stores with Avada Email Pop‑ups, Banners installed.
- 26.4% of Shopify stores using Avada Email Pop‑ups, Banners sell Apparel products.
- 10.3% of Shopify stores using Avada Email Pop‑ups, Banners sell Home & Garden products.
- 9.5% of Shopify stores using Avada Email Pop‑ups, Banners sell Beauty & Fitness products.
Top Countries For Shopify Stores With Avada Email Pop‑ups, Banners Installed
Here is the country breakdown of Shopify stores with Avada Email Pop‑ups, Banners installed.
- 35.4% of Shopify stores using Avada Email Pop‑ups, Banners are in United States (US)
- 8.6% of Shopify stores using Avada Email Pop‑ups, Banners are in United Kingdom (GB)
- 5.7% of Shopify stores using Avada Email Pop‑ups, Banners are in India (IN)
- 5.2% of Shopify stores using Avada Email Pop‑ups, Banners are in Canada (CA)
With a paid account, stores can also be segmented by region and city.
Number Of Products Sold For Shopify Stores with Avada Email Pop‑ups, Banners installed
Here is the breakdown of Shopify stores with Avada Email Pop‑ups, Banners installed by the number of products that they sell.
- 18.7% of Shopify stores with Avada Email Pop‑ups, Banners installed sell 1 - 9 different products.
- 15.8% of Shopify stores with Avada Email Pop‑ups, Banners installed sell 250 - 999 different products.
- 14.3% of Shopify stores with Avada Email Pop‑ups, Banners installed sell 10 - 24 different products.
Get more insights on Shopify stores
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You can segment stores on a variety of dimensions:
- Social Media accounts
- Email address
- Phone numbers
- Country
- Installed Apps
- Theme and Theme Vendor
- Number of Products Sold
- Third-party technologies
- Creation date
- Platform
- Top-level domains
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For more insights on Shopify stores, create a free account and have a look for yourself.
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