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Store Leads Blog

What's new in the world of ecommerce data

Salesforce Lead Enrichment now matches on email

When we first launched enrichment for Salesforce leads, leads were only matched to stores in the database based on the Lead Website attribute. But it turns out that many people do not set the Website field for their leads. As of today, if the Website attribute is not set of a lead, then we fall back to matching on the domain of the lead's Email attribute. This change should result in improved enrichment rates for companies that do not set Website on their Salesforce leads.

HubSpot Custom Object Enrichment

A few months ago, HubSpot introduced Custom Objects, a way to store arbitrary objects in HubSpot CRM. It is now possible to enrich HubSpot Custom Objects with attributes from the Store Leads database. When you register a Custom Object for enrichment, you will be asked to identify the property that contains a domain name. We use the domain name to match with a store in our database. Custom Objects are if we are able to match a store in our database that your plan can access.