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Store Leads Blog

What's new in the world of ecommerce data

HubSpot Data Enrichment for Ecommerce Stores

HubSpot is a popular CRM used by marketing and sales teams to track interactions with their prospects and customers. CRMs are tremendously useful tools but their value is often hampered by incomplete or out-of-date information. We have just put the finishing touches on an integration with Hubspot that automatically enriches companies in your CRM. This enhances the data you already possess, allowing you to make more informed decisions.

Historical Platform Ranks

Continuing our recent efforts to add historical data to Store Leads, we've just added historical charts of a store's platform rank (which measures the store's relative popularity compared to all other stores on the same ecommerce platform). This chart allows you to quickly see whether a store is gaining in popularity, holding steady or losing ground. Historical Platform Rank. The chart above shows data for This store is doing well and has climbed the ranks over recent weeks.

Historical App Install Counts

Historical context is critical for understanding a trend. If we know that an app is installed on 10,000 stores, then we can deduce that it is fairly successful otherwise it would never have been installed that many times. But we don't know if the app's install base is growing, holding steady or shrinking. We've just started tracking historical app install counts to help answer these questions. You can see a chart of the app's historical install counts on the app detail view.