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Store Leads Blog

What's new in the world of ecommerce data

Automatic Tags

We are now automatically labeling (or tagging) stores in our database if the store is interesting for some reason. For instance, a store that is rapidly growing Instagram followers will be tagged as "Trending on Instagram". Here are the tags we support: Dropshipper: The store is using a dropshipping app. Print on Demand: The store is using a print-on-demand app. Trending on Facebook: The store has at least 5,000 Facebook followers and at least 5% growth over the last 30 days.

Segment Stores by Pricing Plan Change Date

Let's say that you want to find all Shopify stores that have switch to Shopify Plus since a specific date. To support this use case, we've added a filter that allows you to find stores based on the last date that they changed pricing plans. To do this, switch to Advanced Search and add the filters from the screenshot below. Last Plan Change filter. Then click the Execute Search button to see all stores that have switched to Shopify Plus since the provided date.