Detailed App Breakdowns
Breakdowns on app detail pages give you insight into an app's install rate across certain dimension, like category, country and co-installed apps. While this was useful information, if you wanted to derive more advanced insight, like the lift provided by the app across values in the dimension, then you'd need to export all app data and run your own calculations. We've updated our app detailed page to provide this information directly.
As an example, here is the co-installed app breakdown for Oberlo, a popular dropshipping app for Shopify.

This table shows up the top 10 apps that are installed on stores using Oberlo. We also display lift, which is the change in likelihood a store using Oberlo is to have also installed each other app. We see above that a store using Oberlo is 3.6 times more likely to have also installed Loox than stores that are not using Oberlo.
If you're an app developers, you can use this data to help identify apps that you might want to partner with.
Lift data is also available on all other breakdowns on the app page.