Improved Social Network Follower Data
Filtering stores on the number of social network followers is one of our most popular features. But simply knowing the number of followers a store has isn't always enough. Often, you'll want to find stores that are growing their follower count quickly.
To address this use case, we've added a history of follower counts for each of the store's social network to the domain details.

This lets you see the trajectory of a store on a specific social network at a glance. We also summarize the number of followers gained (or lost) over the last 30 days. In the screenshot above, we see that the store has gained a full 7% of their followers over the last 30 days. This is extremely impressive for a store that already has a significant follower count.
Add Follower Counts to Search Results
It's also possible to display follower count changes over the last 30 days within store search results. You can do so by customizing search result columns.

Search By Follower Count Changes
Now the fun part. You can search for stores based on how many followers they have added (or lost) on each social network over the last 30 days. This is a great way to find trending stores. The search filter can be expressed either in terms of the number of followers gained (or lost) or the percentage of followers gained (or lost).
To do so, run an Advanced search with the following filter. In this example, we'll find stores that have added at least 10,000 new Twitter followers over the last 30 days.
- Set field to Twitter Followers (Last 30 Days)
- Set Minimum to 10000
Just click the Execute Search button and you'll get back a list of 3,061 stores (at the time of this writing) that have added ten thousand followers in the last month. Clearly, these stores are doing something right.

Often you'll want to filter by the percentage of followers added over the last month. This will help you find smaller stores that are just starting to trend. In this example, we'll find stores that have added at least 15% of their followers in the last month.
- Set field to Twitter Followers (Last 30 Days Percent)
- Set Minimum to 15
We'll also filter out stores with less than 1,000 followers so that we aren't including stores that have added 1 or 2 followers (a large percentage of their total follower count but not meaningful for our example use case.) Start by adding this filter:
- Set field to Twitter Followers
- Set Minimum to 1000
This search returns 9,0123 stores at the time of this writing.
Sort By Follower Count Changes
Finally, there are times that you'll want to sort your search results by the number (or percent) of followers added (or lost) over the last 30 days. Or you might just want to order all stores by the same criteria.
To do this, set "Order Results By" to the desired field. Here's a search that orders all active stores by the number of Instagram followers added in the last 30 days. As you might expect, the results are dominated by stores associated with celebrities.