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Store Leads Blog

What's new in the world of ecommerce data

Integration Error Emails

CRM integrations are one of the most popular features on Store Leads. When customers configure integrations with CRMs like HubSpot, Salesforce and Outreach, Store Leads will automatically enrich CRM records. For the most part, this continuous enrichment goes smoothly, but what happens if something goes wrong? Sometimes the CRM has record (or field) validations enable that reject some updates. For instance, Store Leads may be trying to write a value to a Salesforce picklist field that does not allow the incoming value.

Improved CRM Duplicate Detection

It's important to avoid duplicate records in your CRM otherwise you'll end up with redundant, and possibly conflicting, information making it harder for your team to find the information that they're looking for. Some merchants present an interesting challenge for duplicate detection since they operate multiple domains. Multiple domains are often used when a merchant has regional, or country-specific, stores. For instance, it's not uncommon for a merchant to operate domains like www.

Custom Ecommerce Implementations

The Store Leads data includes over 6 million stores on 65 different ecommerce platforms, making it one of the biggest, if not the largest, collections of ecommerce stores available on the Internet. But there are several million more stores that aren't yet in our database. These are stores that are either on a legacy implementation that predates a lot of the ecommerce platforms that are popular today, or new stores that are using headless ecommerce implementations.

27 New Ecommerce Platforms

It's been a while since the last blog post about new content, but not because we haven't been busy. In fact, we've been hard at work adding new platforms to the Store Leads database with support for 27 new platforms added in the last 4 months. Visualsoft Tiendanube AmeriCommerce THG Ingenuity Mercado Shops VTEX Workarea CommentSold Etsy Pattern Loja Integrada TokoTalk 82Cart Shoplazza neto ueeshop XShoppy Sitecore Commerce cartX ShopBase Art Storefronts Bandcamp ePages Tray Commerce Fbits Shoptet Shoper Yahoo Store

Salesforce Bulk API

With around 5 million stores in our database (and counting), it can take quite a few API calls (and a long time) to enrich records in a connected Salesforce instance. To speed things up and reduce the number of API calls made by Store Leads (which may also help avoid Salesforce API overages), it's now possible to enable use of the Salesforce Bulk API 2.0 for weekly enrichment. To do so, go to the Integrations page, click on Salesforce and enable the following option: Salesforce Bulk API Option.