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Store Leads Blog

What's new in the world of ecommerce data

YouTube accounts for stores

We've just added YouTube accounts for over 55,000 stores in our database. When we first launched, Store Leads included accounts for prominent social network (like Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook) for all Shopify stores. By comparison, YouTube is used less frequently by ecommerce merchants so you might be tempted to dismiss YouTube's relevance in this segment. What's interesting, however, is that many of the most prominent stores have a presence on YouTube.

Ranking Improvements

We've improved our ranking algorithm by adding traffic estimates. Before this update, we calculated rank for domains in our database based on harmonic centrality and page rank from the Common Crawl dataset. Centrality and page rank are based on the links between domains. They are a good indication of the connectedness of a domain but are not the best indicator of a domain's popularity. As a result, some of the top domains under the old algorithm were a bit of a headscratcher.

App and Theme Spend

We've added estimated theme spend and monthly app spend for each Shopify domain in the database. Read below for an explanation of how we calculate these values and how to interpret them. Theme Spend Theme spend is based on our theme detection algorithm, which identifies themes purchased from the theme store even if the theme has been customized by the merchant. As a result, we do a good job of identifying themes that a merchant is running and can produce a theme spend estimate based on the cost of the theme as advertised in the theme store.

Source for Social Media Accounts and Contact Information

Store Leads includes social media accounts and contact information for each store. We believe in sourcing and processing data using transparent methods. To that end, every single social media account, email address and phone number has public sources that you can verify. This can also be handy in case the source page has been updated since we last crawled. To see the source page, simply click on the icon to the right of the social media account, email address or phone numbers.

Advanced Search Improved

With the introduction of negative conditions, Advanced search is now more powerful than ever. Negative conditions give you more flexibility when segmenting domains. Let's walk through a few examples. Suppose you are a Shopify app developer and your app displays a banner at the top of a page. Banner apps are some of the most popular apps in the Shopify App Store. Store Leads makes it easy to identify all the Shopify stores that have installed your app.