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Phone Numbers for Shopify stores

We've just added phone numbers for over 215,000 stores in our database.

When we first launched, Store Leads included email addresses and social media contact information for all Shopify stores. But sometimes a phone number comes in handy.

To see phone numbers, start by logging into the Store Leads Dashboard. You can create an account for free if don't already have one. Here's what it looks like after you've logged in.

Domain list.

You can use the Social Media and Contact Info filter to refine the list of domains to include only domains with accounts with a phone number.

Social media and contact info filter.

Click on Phone and you'll only see domains that have a phone number. Click on one of the domains and you'll see the phone number (and email and social media accounts for the domain). Note that a paid account is required to see actual phone numbers. Values are redacted for free accounts.

Domain details.

To see the source page where the phone number was shared, click on the link icon to the right of the phone number.