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Store Leads Blog

What's new in the world of ecommerce data

Automatic Salesforce Contact or Lead Creation From Data

It is now possible to automatically create Salesforce contacts (or leads) from data using our new integration. To automatically create Salesforce contacts (or leads) for stores created or updated during a weekly workflow, simply add a Contact/Lead Creation Rule to the workflow's Salesforce action. Contact/Lead Creation Rule. You can configure multiple contact/lead creation rules and they will each be tried until the maximum number of contacts/leads is reached.

Automatic HubSpot Contact Creation From Data

It is now possible to automatically create HubSpot contacts from data using our new integration. To automatically create HubSpot contacts for stores created or updated during a weekly workflow, simply add a Contact Creation Rule to the workflow's HubSpot action. Contact Creation Rule. You can configure multiple contact creation rules and they will each be tried until the maximum number of contacts is reached.

Google Cloud Storage Delivery

Store Leads customers often use our API to download large data files (in excess of 10GB). Handling API responses of that size can be a little challenging. To make things easier, we've just added a Google Cloud Storage integration that delivers data files directly to Google Cloud Storage. No need to add retry logic for intermittent network interruptions - we'll deliver the data to you. For customers using Amazon AWS, we'll be adding data delivery to S3 soon.

Manual Creation of Salesforce Leads

It's now possible to manually create Salesforce leads from the generic email addresses in the Store Leads database. If you've already integrated Store Leads with Salesforce, simply open the Salesforce, simply visit the Salesforce tab for any domain in Store Leads to see new functionality. Create Salesforce Lead. You'll see the list of existing leads for the current domain (if any) as well as options to create new leads using the generic emails from the Store Leads database.

New Social Media API

We've just added a new Social Media API endpoint that returns details for a social media account. It doesn't work for any social media account but it supports any account linked to a store in our database. Here's an example response when looking up the Instagram account for Kylie Cosmetics ( {   "domain_names" : [     ""   ],   "details" : {     "followers_90d" : -63508,     "following" : 614,     "category" : "

Enrich Uploaded CSV Files

Let's say that you have a spreadsheet that contains a list of domains along with other information. And you'd like to enrich the file by adding data from the Store Leads database for each row. This has always been possible, but fairly complicated. You'd have to: create a CSV file that contained just a single column with the domain names import the file to a list export the matching domains then manually merge the export with your original file To make this easier, it's now possible to enrich an existing CSV file.

Import CSVs with Multiple Columns

In the past, when importing your own list of domains to Store Leads, the import file had to consist of a single column containing domain names. If you already had a spreadsheet with multiple columns, this required extra work to create a new CSV file with just a single column. We've just updated our CSV import tool to support files with multiple columns. If the file contains muliple columns, you will be asked which column contains the domain names.