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Store Leads Blog

What's new in the world of ecommerce data Contact Management Improvements

We've just pushed a significant improvment to our integration focused on contact management. Many people use the contact management and sequencing features within If you used those features, then you'd often need to switch back and forth between Store Leads and since we didn't support Contact management within Store Leads - until now. It's now possible to do the following within the Store Leads UI: Create Apollo.

Rank Percentile Filters

We've just added the ability to filter on rank percentiles (and platform rank percentiles). This makes it easy to run searches like "show me the top 1% of all Shopify stores". To run this query, switch to Advanced Search and add the following filters. Filter = Rank Percentile, Minimum = 99 Filter = Platform, Value = Shopify Social media followers. Note that, since the most-popular store in the database has rank #1, percentile values are inverted for simplicity.

E-Commerce Day 2022

We're looking forward to attending E-Commerce day on August 12th at the Hilton Los Angeles. We're excited to be back to in-person events and eCommerce Day will bring together agencies & tech companies that serve merchants. The event will be a great chance to network and discuss sales/marketing ideas and talk about trends in the industry. We'll be hosting a workshop covering different ways that you can find great leads for your business in Store Leads.

Workflow Status and Logs

Since workflows run automatically and can take a long time to complete (especially when waiting on API capacity from an external vendor like, it can be difficult to understand how much progress a Workflow has made, how much work is left to be done and what's happening if a workflow is not creating as many contacts as expected. Use the new Status and Logs tab on the Workflow details page to see how much work is left to complete and a log of recent workflow actions.

Set Custom Salesforce Fields In Workflows

Workflows support automatic creation of Salesforce accounts, contacts and lead. We've just added the ability to set custom fields on accounts, contacts and leads created during workflows. This is useful if you want to configure workflow-specific behavior within Salesforce - or if you just want to run Salesforce reports on the objects that were created by specific workflows. Custom fields can be defined in a Workflow's Salesforce Action.

Run Workflow Now

Workflows are a set of actions that automatically run after our weekly data updates. They support complex automations such as the ability to create Salesforce accounts for any stores matching an arbitrary search, and then fetching contact information from (for anyone matching an arbitrary persona) and creating them as Salesforce Contacts. But once you defined a workflow, there was no way to run it immediately. You have to wait for it to be triggered automatically during the next weekly data update (typically on a Sunday).