Bed & Bath stores on Bold Promo
There are 4 live Bold Promo stores in the Bed & Bath category.
In this report, we'll cover the following essential statistics on Bold Promo stores in the Bed & Bath category.
- Social media usage on Bold Promo stores in the Bed & Bath category
- Contact information on Bold Promo stores in the Bed & Bath category
- Top countries for Bold Promo stores in the Bed & Bath category
- Number of products sold for Bold Promo stores in the Bed & Bath category
- Top technologies for Bold Promo stores in the Bed & Bath category
- Top-level domain distribution for Bold Promo stores in the Bed & Bath category
- Top Bed & Bath stores on Bold Promo
Social Media Usage On Bold Promo Stores In The Bed & Bath Category
Here are the top social media sites for Bold Promo stores in the Bed & Bath category.
- Facebook is used by 25.0% of Bold Promo stores in the Bed & Bath category.
- Instagram is used by 25.0% of Bold Promo stores in the Bed & Bath category.
Contact Information On Bold Promo Stores In The Bed & Bath Category
Here are the top contact methods for Bold Promo stores in the Bed & Bath category.
- 50.0% of Bold Promo stores in the Bed & Bath category have an email on their website
- 25.0% of Bold Promo stores in the Bed & Bath category provide a phone number on their website
Top Countries For Bold Promo Stores In The Bed & Bath Category
Here are the top countries for Bold Promo stores in the Bed & Bath category.
- 25.0% of Bold Promo stores in the Bed & Bath category are in United States
With a paid account, stores can also be segmented by region and city.
Top Technologies on Bold Promo Stores In The Bed & Bath Category
We're tracking 2 different technologies that have 6 collective installs on Bold Promo stores in the Bed & Bath category.
- Afterpay is used by 100.0% of Bold Promo stores in the Bed & Bath category.
- reCAPTCHA is used by 50.0% of Bold Promo stores in the Bed & Bath category.
Here are the top 2 third-party technologies, ordered by number of installs, across all Bold Promo stores.
Number Of Products Sold For Bold Promo Stores In The Bed & Bath Category
Here is the breakdown of Bold Promo stores in the Bed & Bath category by the number of products that they sell.
- 25.0% of Bold Promo stores in the Bed & Bath category sell 1 - 9 different products.
Top-level Domain Distribution For Bold Promo Stores In The Bed & Bath Category
The majority of Bold Promo stores use a .com domain. This is not surprising since alternate top-level domains have only been introduced somewhat recently and there is still a certain cachet associated with .com domains.
- 100.0% of Bold Promo stores in the Bed & Bath category have a .com domain.
Top Stores In The Bed & Bath Category
Here are the top 0 Bed & Bath stores ordered by worldwide store rank.
For more insights on Bold Promo stores, create a free account and explore our data.
Get more insights on Bold Promo stores
Our search interface is easy to use and helps you find the Bold Promo stores that are relevant to you.
You can segment stores on a variety of dimensions:
- Social Media accounts
- Email address
- Phone numbers
- Country
- Third-party technologies
- Creation date
- Platform
- Top-level domains
- Domain status
- Domain type

For more insights on Bold Promo stores, create a free account and have a look for yourself.
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