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How often is data updated?

Domain (Store) Update Frequency

Data is updated weekly, typically on Sundays (Pacific time)

Here are the most recent data updates, along with the date at which the data was updated. For historical reasons, the data label is always mapped to the friday before the data was uploaded.

Label Date Uploaded
2025-02-28 2025-03-02
2025-02-21 2025-02-24
2025-02-14 2025-02-17
2025-02-07 2025-02-09
2025-01-31 2025-02-03
2025-01-24 2025-01-27
2025-01-17 2025-01-20
2025-01-10 2025-01-13
2025-01-03 2025-01-05
2024-12-27 2024-12-30

To receive a notification as soon as domain data is updated, visit the Notifications tab of the Account page and create a "New Store Data" notification. Email notifications and webhook notifications are supported.

Product Update Frequency

Product data is updated daily, however information for each individual product is only updated about once every 10 days.