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Products Sold

We're now tracking the number of products sold at each Shopify store. This can be useful in a number of scenarios. For instance, if you're a theme vendor and you've recently created a theme for merchants with a large product catalog, then it can be invaluable to segment stores by the number of products sold.

Product Count filter.

The Product Count filter (shown above) groups stores into predefined groups (e.g., 1-9 products sold).

Note that we store up to 250 products for each store, so if a store sells more than 250 products, it will show as "250+". Update: we now support up to 2,500,000 products.

If the groupings in the Product Count filter don't meet need your needs, you can use Advanced search to filter on custom ranges.

Advanced Search Product Count filter.

Product counts are also available within the Store Leads API.

Note that product count segmentation is only available on paid plans.