Collapsible Filters
As we've added more and more segmentation options to Store Leads, our UI has become more and more crowded. We now have so many segmentation options that finding the filter you're looking for can take a bit of scrolling. To help with these issues, we've added the ability to collapse and expand filters.
The image below shows an expanded filter, which means that all filter values are visible. But if you're not interested in this filter, you can collapse it by clicking on the blue up arrow in the top right corner of the filter. On desktop machines, you'll need to hover over the filter to see the arrow. On mobile devices, you have to tap the filter to see it.
After a filter is collapsed, it takes up minimal screen space allowing you to focus on the filters that are of most interest to you. Need to expand the filter? Just click on the blue down arrow on the right.
We remember which filters you've collapsed so that the next time you visit Store Leads, the filters will be exactly how you left them.